Sunday, April 5, 2009

Waking Up in Cairo!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

- If Beirut is the New York of the Middle East, Cairo should be called "Vegas".

Ray told me that weeks ago in the middle of a conversation that I can't remember, and I can't figure out why I kept thinking of it all morning long.
Maybe it was the too-strong of a sun that hit my face and reminded me that, just like Vegas, we're in the middle of the desert.

Maybe, just maybe, it's the taxi drivers who're usually ex-cons or something, who fuck you over everytime you get in their car, but you just don't know any other way to go around the city.

Maybe because Thursday night was just too blur to know what you've done, where you've been and why the hell are you wearing your T-shirt inside-out?!

Maybe because you always feel like telling the next person to shut the fuck-up, or put his money where his mouth is.

Maybe because we're always partners in a crime, wither it's drinking till we drop, having outta married sex, making out with whatshisface, dirty dance with whatshername or ending up sleeping on the coach of a person you don't even know.

Now, we need a taxi 'cuase you're hang-over, and I'm broke.

inspired by "Waking Up in Vegas" by "Katy Perry".


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